Friday, January 3, 2014


今天 不知怎么了 突然间很想在这儿 歇歇 写写我这些年来很累的心情
现实 让我 透不过气来
这儿的同事 不过只是暂时的陪客
这儿 交心真心很难 事事非非就很多
比较 再比较 看谁最top
但在别人眼里 我好像太勤力了 有毁了市场的嫌疑
难道别人懒懒散散 我就要人云亦云吗?
忍 忍 再忍。。对我而言 真是轻而易举。。
还好老板总算对我还不错 不会刁难我

我真的好累 但我不能放弃 要对自己的将来负责
有股力量不时的在提醒我自己 我还有很多梦想还没实现喔
我相信 我能!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Heart telling me the truth about my job

Well, it seem like god hearing what my heart's telling..
When i was worked in Motorola, i felt the job is totally not compatible with my strenght of attention to details and checking documents should be the job that best suit me..
After 2 years plus, i have found a job in Citigroup, as a doc checker, which fulfilled my requirements that time. However, it tie up my freedom completely, i have no time at all, and almost 12 hours stayed in the building and checking the documents non-stop. It really test my patients, I seldom seeing the sun-set and mostly the moon only, it is a crazy life, however, i still can stand with it and work there for 2 years. Well, it might be because of the companions that have accompany me these days, which i am not feel alone, and can stay long.
I have promised myself to change the 'no life''s life, and finally have quited the citi's job. Citi's benefit and working environment is not bad, just that the working hour is too long and exhausted. The lack of freedom's job make me decided to change my field, which from admin to sales, it is such a brave action and decision that i have made during that times. Yeah, I am now become a mortgage consultant. it seem like very free and flexible, the freedom that i have here is super nice, however,the sales target and the peoples factors are the main sources of stress of the job. This is the only job that make me feel lonely. Yes, i have freedom, but there is no one could share my happiness of being free, is all by myself.^..^..Nevertherless, i learn a lot indeed, i felt the inner growth of mine..
Now, my another matter..earn not much,but work so hard. Comparing to the other country, our purchasing power is very hard,money not much..this is the main issue, which i have to think it seriously. It is not worth to work like hell everyday with just a little money. I am THINKING THINKING AND THINKING....what should i do the next?!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

My dream(listing in year 2012)

My dream(listing in year 2012),is hard,but i believe i can make it...

1.travelling in hawaii with my family and love ones my dream house with sea-view a brand new car that i truely like eg. honda-insight
4.travelling with my best fren at the specific places
5.find my true love/mr.right and own happy family
6.all people i know -happy and healthy all the time

the next step---figures out to earn more money plus courage plus good plan...the most important is'QUIT CITI'S JOB!!'...

true feeling at the beginning of year 2012

Year 2012,sound new,sound yeah..but how come,my heart is upset than ever..
Deep inside my heart, i hope i can truely in love with someone i very like..
someone that able to touch my heart,touch my mind,my soul...eventually my..(100%)

quite awesome to have that kind of feeling..
when your heart is totally in touch with someone,felt so great...

However,these just a feeling,no action no future,just for commitment,and you will still have your freedom

control the feeling,is hard,but i can do it...
yes,i lack of courage,i lack of confident,and that why i alone till now..
yes,i like to dream,coz it make me happy..
yes,i am...but i can't..

Sunday, October 2, 2011


每个人心中都有一个秘密 属于自己的小小空间 一个透透气的地方
对于隐私 不同的人有着不同的观点 不同的时侯有不同的处理方式

现在不想让任何人知晓 明天不想让太多人知道 后天全世界都听有所闻
这是永远的秘密 不可能说出去 也休想在我身上掏出什么来
很想让他知道 却不想让他知道得太容易 就逗了个大圈 他终究也知道了

与眼前人谈话 心情佳 气氛佳 好自在 好舒服 很自然的就让对方知道了
好辛苦 真的好难受 想得快疯了 就找个没关联的人 畅谈不快 和 诉苦

P.S:我的秘密花园 永远住着一个人 。。我自己。。

Saturday, August 13, 2011

爱情不见了 回亿却重现

无时无刻的想起 然后陶醉在以往的回亿里 不可自拔
脑海随时随刻 浮现着他的踪影 他的微笑 他的一切一切
回亿的浮现虽美好 却也间接抽痛了亿者的心

失去了首要的精神寄托 整个人就像失去了灵魂 行尸走肉般地过着没有他的日子

想念想念 就只有想念

想念让爱的感觉不减反增 选择忘记永远都不会是爱的专利

整个世界随着他的消失 顿时变成了灰暗
好像什么都消失了似的 只剩下灰白的回亿

或许太过迷恋被爱的感觉 也或许太享受爱人的感觉

爱或许是无底洞 深到让人爬不出来

回亿着已消失了的爱情 是自欺欺人的作为 但就是情不自禁

爱情一旦开始过 回亿也就不曾间断过
忘记一段回亿 意味着另一段爱情的开始
忘记一段爱情 意味着另一段回亿的开始 不是吗?

Saturday, July 30, 2011



你爱他 他爱你 本来就很简单
不过不知是你对他没信心 还是你没自信
总是觉得他不爱你 总是觉得他今天对你动情 他日 也会对别的女人动情

人 的确 很容易心动 不过 人的自制能力远远超过你所想像的喔。。

很多时后 你很想做出一些出乎你预料的事或行为 不过还是被自己的理智和道德观控制住了
你不会这样做 这样做 太不像样了。。但是,如果对方同样有着一样的冲动 自制能力顿时化为零 很矛盾是吧

话说回来,你的他不会无段段的爱上别人的 只要那个别人不是他要的。。他要的就只有你一个
除非你的不信任和 多疑 导至他不耐烦 而刚好又出现了个温柔又体贴的女人 就这样移情别恋了。。世事还是难料的,人会变 月会园。。矛盾

温柔和体贴 你没有吗?你绝对有的 不同的是 温柔体贴又带点凶而已 哈哈
他当初 就喜欢这样的你 不是吗?
凶或许是你的特点 也是让他吃不消的弱点吧 这也很矛盾哦 哈哈

P.S:如果有人没按你所希望的方式爱你 那并不代表对方没有竭尽所能得爱你

Sunday, June 26, 2011


天啊 我好像没有半点灵感去写部落格 我怎么了。。
或许 我不够伤心吧。。
少了其种一项 我就不怎么会写了。。哈哈
不过我还是硬要写。。吹吗 哈哈

我又帮不上什么忙 也跟着烦恼了 哎
她也帮不了那么多 眉头整天皱皱的 哎

Sunday, June 19, 2011


好久没有写部落格了 也不晓得 有谁会去留意我所写的这些 算是微不足道的事吧

在雨伞里打工已一年多了 认识了很年轻的一群 很开心 也很活泼的一群人
这一年里 觉得时间过的好快 但却没什么意义 还蛮纳闷的。。

感觉不对咯。。对工做不怎么有热诚 而且没什么时间做自己的事儿。。

不过 还有一件令我异常开心的事。。老天爷又让我认识到了个好朋友 哈哈
原本 在这蔓长的一年里 感觉不到半个能交心的好朋友 还蛮无柰的
但世事难料。。一年后,无意间突然间 感觉到 身傍的这个人 还蛮特别的 哈哈
和他街街过后发现原来咱们还蛮合得来的。。或许生日只是一天之差吧 哈哈。。

p.s 我好像只把我喜欢的人 和喜欢我的人列为好朋友 有点好笑 不过这是事实

Thursday, May 19, 2011


觉得 人的关系 其实 还蛮脆弱的

夫妻 面对着对方久了 厌倦了 感觉淡了 很想离开对方 但败在对孩子们的责任感 有些什么都不管就凭感觉行事 要离就离 离婚收场

恋人 一不开心 就闹分手 移情别恋了 就想尽办法甩掉对方 有些甚至宁愿拖拖拉拉 跟对方搞得不清不楚 原因是怕找不到比他更好的 哈

朋友 要嘛 就好得半死 诉说心底话 讲巧巧话 或畅谈各自的不快 不爽对方的时后 哈 就连看也懒得看对方一眼 更不堪的是 在背后 互数对方的不是 几十年的感情又怎样 可悲 唉

本来嘛 要培养一段良好的关系 酝酿出长长久久脓厚的感情 却实没那么简单 是吧

P.S:总觉的 信任 是锁定一段感情的钥匙

Sunday, December 19, 2010


坐在电脑前许久 看看自己的面子书 又看看别人的

本想了解朋友们的近况 也八卦一下人家的事儿 却无端端地感受到。。孤单的心情 沉重和不开心。。

身边的人 现代的人 走着一道被设定似的道路 不属于自己的 却还硬着要走下去

好迷蒙 好渺茫 的道路。。一天又一天走着一个这样的道路。。豪无头绪的同时

也忙着一大堆该要做的事儿 就这样忘了自己。。忘了自己很想很想很向往的人生



很不想 很不想 困在别人认为‘是’的世界。。苦着脸面对明天,即使不苦着脸,心情也不带劲的。。就是逃不了这么一个困局。。


我想拥有一个飞行机和一个师机兼情人。。可以带我到处去感受自己不曾拥有的感觉。。新奇新鲜的事儿。。看遍全世界的美好风景 吃遍全世界的美食 认识好多好多特别的人。。无忧无虑的 没有任何牵挂 任何抱负。。好像不用钱似地。。好棒是吧。。哈哈。。


Sunday, October 24, 2010

生活伴侣 vs 生命伴侣

终于给我发掘到一篇 可以很透侧的描述我一直以来的想法和心声的文章 真是太好了
恨不得 跟好友们分享 一下。。

生活伴侣互相关心 聊聊家常便饭 发发老骚 不至于相对无言
但你总是捉不到我的心思 我永远不了解你的需要。
两个人互相牵绊 互相磨合 从此你不再是一个人 而是半个人。你失去了一半的生命,而这是
你要找个伴而付出的代价 (因你已找到了你生活的另一半,而不可能同时拥有另一个生命伴侣)。

生命伴侣是真正拥有心灵上的交流 同样是聊着家常事 但里面有共同的喜悦 就算是一起做个饭 在动手煮菜时也充满欢喜。
我们可以谈到理想 生命与思维一同成长 纵使没有热恋的火花 但没一次牵着你的手 都深自庆幸今生有你相伴。
灵欲一至的性爱更是美妙万分 就算只是拥抱和爱捂 没有狂野高潮 但心头是颤抖着的感动
高潮的呻吟可以假装 但你骗不了自己的心

当你抱着另一半 当你在做爱做的事 你一定可以分辨出对方是生活还是生命的伴侣。
就算有了纸婚书的夫妻 也未必是生命或灵魂上的伴侣 就算老友阿鸟注册了 但深夜买醉是热泪盈眶 说着他深深想念着的那个魂梦牵的女人 才是大灵魂之中的缺口
生命伴侣是填补灵魂缺少的一半 生活伴侣却是磨去所剩无几的灵魂 在未遇到你之前 或错失了你之后 已经不想再和谁相伴了。

P.S:有个生活伴侣 会不错 但如有个生命伴侣 却枉不此生。

Saturday, September 11, 2010


最近 电鬈了个头发 染了些色 觉得自己原来还不错嘛 嗯 蛮自恋的
一换了个发型 小小的信心就回来了
接下来 该是瘦身了 唷
嗯 有些高难度也。。
不过还是不忘一位好朋友的教诲。。趁年轻好好打扮自己 慰劳自己一番
大家一起 加油!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


深深地呼吸了一下 嘴角有些话要对她说 但又说不出口
想了一会 嗯 终于语重心长地 对她说。。

有些人总不知自己该怎样办 不知如何做决定
毕竟 她和他已习惯了对方的存在 熟悉了对方的家人 对方的一切一切


也 或许。。不知道。。:)

Sunday, August 15, 2010


有人告诉我 爱人凭心就好 不许用脑 太多的思考或顾虑 或许会糟蹋了那原始的味道
时间可以是很好的考验器 到底会从认识 爱上 经营到那个程度 变淡或浓洌 答案其实已悄悄地在心里揭晓 原因可以是1 你其实不怎么爱他 2他根本不适合你 3或者出现了一个可带给你更大火花的第三者 4别的原因 其实只要已不再爱 什么原因都会有

总觉的爱的无奈 其实这意味着 勉强
而在爱情的字典里是不该存有 勉强 这个字眼的

不可思议的人或许该有不可思义的经历 恋爱也一样
好了 别呆在这迷茫的爱情漩涡里太久了喔 想太多不是一件好事来的。。;)

P.S:原始人的爱情最简单最幸福 不牵涉到花花世界的诱惑 不是吗?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

No excuses, just enjoy it!!

I always trying to be matured...
However, it make me feel old...

I try not to open my mouth widely when laughing...
However, it would make people think that i am a fake person..

I try to be a good person..
But, It would create more chances for people to take advantage on me..

I try to be a good friend..
But, It seem like i am the only progressive one..

Well, no matter what, I believe time will make people change..not immediate,but the future..P.S: the more important is the process, enjoy it! cheers;)

Thursday, May 6, 2010



*笑一笑 世界变美好*

曾几何时, 我们在同一片天空下做着同样的事儿。

*What up,Buddy*
因我会不时敲敲你的门 或打打你的电话 然后说“瓦嚓杯,巴迪”哈哈


Sunday, March 21, 2010



我初时感受到的那份想念 是第一次离家背景去念大学时 不习惯一人在外 总觉得不对劲 所以伤心了一整天

在大学第一年,我认识到一群好朋友 大家整天玩玩闹闹 一起上学下课 吃午餐 有时一起搭巴士逛街 觉得好奇妙 很快乐
尤其是当有人说我是他的开心果时 更不得了 总觉得自己是多么的特别 总是开开心心的

在大学第二年, 我和那一群好友已经不再住同一个屋檐下了 我超伤心的。。第二次,很想念的感觉和回忆。。

在大学第二年中,我搬到跟另一群朋友住 他们人很好 家又大 租金又便宜 我们相处得也很融洽 很开心。。

在龙城的最后一天,我偷偷地流了好多的泪。。很不舍得。。要离开这儿 也要离开各位好朋友了
这应该是我有史以来 最伤心的一天吧 亏我流了那么多的泪

我闷闷不乐了 差不多有六个月吧 当想起他们的时候 还会发几封自创的简讯给他们呢 不错吧

六个月后, 我被录取到默多咯拉打工 认识到了两位朋友 大家蛮聊得来的 整天嘻嘻哈哈

没想到 才不过两个月 那位朋友就不干了 觉得好可惜 感觉落寞了一下
再过三个月 没想到 第二位朋友 也不干了 感觉无所适从
他走的那一天 我不小心掉了几滴眼泪 伤感哪。。

而另一位 是我认识的人当中最不可思议的。。一个好难断测的人。。无论如何,我感觉到他那份真诚,对我很不错的朋友,我早已列他为我的好朋友之一了。

在默多咯拉的这些日子里 又给我认识到两位好朋友 我原以为不会再给我遇到了 却也事实难料
第三轮回,另两位新人 现在我也把他们当好友看待了。。
一个比较深思熟虑 稳重 优雅 漂亮。。很关心朋友。。有时也蛮搞笑的。。哈哈
另一个 有标致的脸孔 乐于助人 幽默搞笑 是大家的开心果。。我想应该很少人或没有人会不喜欢他吧。。哈哈

最近,那位不可思议的好友 已离开了摩托罗拉 离开了我们。。
我知道大家都依依不舍。。无论如何,我们都祝福他 找到更好的。。
我其实以为我会是麻木的 不会有什么想念的感觉,却再次证实不是。。因落寞感好重哦。。
不过 我相信 我们还会时常联络的。。
联络 从来不只属单方的哦。。希望各位好友要时常互相联络喔。。友谊万岁!!!

P.S: 世上无不散之宴席,只靠想念来维持感情

Thursday, February 4, 2010





Sunday, January 31, 2010


再平凡不过的的歌词 却从他口里唱出不同凡响的歌曲来 让大家听出耳油。。
突然有股好想睡觉的冲动。。让空气随着周惠的歌声进入我的脑袋瓜 让往梦里游的我 隐隐约约中依然听见动人的音乐 身,心与灵能够完全得以休息 感觉美好极了

Thursday, January 28, 2010


很多时候 我讲的话或做的事 真得很惹人厌
无意间讲了些伤人的话 完全不顾及别人的感受

一直以来是这样 到现在还是这样 丝毫没改变过
一直都有好朋友在旁 提醒我 指点我 感动的同时更觉得惭愧
惭愧是因为自己那不长近的嘴巴 时常有意无意地伤人 而这些耳朵受罪的朋友却反过来劝告

三思而后讲 真的是我应常记挂在心的金句

一直以来 我自认是个很好的人 很想在朋友面前 扮演着一个真真实实的自己 毫无掩饰
毫无虚假 要讲就讲 要这样就这样 完全不顾别人地感受 更无视别人对我的想法
可称得上是我行我素的人 我想。。动作大而不做作 是我一直以来带给别人的形象吧

我以为这样的我 才是真正的我 真正的我会是个带给大家欢笑的 会是别人的开心果
但原来这却是错的想法 在别人眼中 这样的我 讲话不经大脑 得罪人也不知 还自认 很风趣呢。。哈

如果有一天 我变了 我变得不再乱讲话 不再那么鲁莽 变成一个很有礼貌和高高在上的人
会有人觉得 我深不可测 或 虚假吗
这么一个自我规律和严谨的我 还会找到交心的好朋友吗?这样的我会开心吗?
或许 我想太多了。。
可能 年龄越长 顾虑的东西越多 心就随着关闭 不怎么快乐吧。。

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day as normal..

Today seem like a good day, but don't know why, i feel down...

On the way back to my house, i feel the day is not bad..

Along the road, i saw the sky, beach, and the sunset..expecially the sunset..

mmm..I like the moment..

I am not home alone always, my mum and dad will accompany me..

Especially my mom..always ask me this and that..tell me everything that she knew from the newspaper..

But, how come..

Suppose i am not lonely..

May be..

Sunday, October 11, 2009



不想做笨蛋 不想偏低自己 但却。。可恶!

闷闷的时候 就乱想了
还是去看看戏 逛逛街吧
或许会买到意想不到的好东西 和遇到意想不到的人哦!哈哈

Thursday, August 27, 2009


不想这样 但又能怎样
不想那样 却偏偏这样


生活总不会样样顺利 你梦寐以求的人生总不可能百分百实现 必然会有些瑕疵 无奈吧

你认识了位朋友 投缘 好相处的一个人 更成为了好友 但如果经不起考验 也就这样没了 无奈吧

女人都希望 有自己的事业,漂亮的外貌,美丽的身材,爱自己的情人,拥有美好的生活 无奈都难成真

无奈又怎样 生活也一样要过。。不想无奈的过 就得积极的活 脚踏实地 或许不能百分百的实现 但起码也有50%的机会实现大家所梦寐以求的美好人生 不是吗?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Penang Hill

Did something NEW that day at Penang Hill..cycling the two seat'cycles under the rain at 6.30pm evening with Chia Yee only without anybody inside the forest, considered an adventure for us huh..Another thing, We have surrounded by those 'ang mo kau' inside the cable car, felt weird but excited, coz it seem like we are overseas and stay with those ang mo kau. hehe..

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


我不是很明白 有些人为什么 称某些人为好朋友。。
随便叫而已 还是真心诚意把对方当其为好朋友

什么心事都想与其分享 什么话都想告诉他 毫无猜疑
很自在 很舒服 不必猜测 不必迟疑
看见他 就恨不得把所有心事都告知 苦诉
还是 名义上而已 心事重重 却诉不得 因种种的猜疑 不信任导致诉不得

为什么会迟疑。。若你把他当好友看待 而放心得把所有秘密告知一个其实 并不完全把你当好友看
待的人 一个随时都爆你秘密的人 可见原来迟疑是因为怕冒险
但若犹豫太多反而很难找到一个可以诉苦的对象 哪可不是在委屈了自己 委屈到病 好矛盾哦!

到不如把朋友的定义 简单化 或许对大家都是好事
找个愿意聆听你诉苦的人 发泄心情的不满 别让自己受委屈
有人向你诉苦 你就充当聆听者
有事时 找愿意帮你的人帮忙 有人找你帮忙 能帮就帮 以上往来
久而久之 感情或许比想象中还要好 突然间发现你在这世界上又多了个好友了
真所谓路遥知马力 日就见人心

好朋友 就是那么简单 不是吗?。。yeah!

Thursday, June 18, 2009



我绝对不是在乱说话 我是真的觉得 这太奇妙了!
写了这一大堆的气话与感受 终究也被当事人发觉到了

我想应该感受到了啦 不然就不会正经八百地向我解释 开导我 也顺便教导我了
几个围住我逼供 算是什么啦。。人家怎么说也是会害羞 会不好意思的嘛
你们。。 可真本事哪 原本想写这些来让你们面壁思过的我 竟然被讲得 应该是我要面壁思过 可恶

不过,也对啦 我也应该换个角度来看看这些 以不同的心境来面对这样的相处方式
或许 就像你们所说的 我其实也不那么无价 那么没存在感啦
我也不是麻痹的啦 更不是患了麻痹症 你们的关心 我怎不会感受到呢

好啦 没事啦 希望大家将来会以诚相对 多多包涵大家的不是 好吗?

PS: 奇妙是吧 咱们没吵架 没破口大骂 没发脾气 也没互相讽刺 反而和平的“破镜重圆”了。。哈哈。。真是一椿开心事啊!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


这次忍 下次忍 再几次也都默默地忍了
那为何不再多忍一忍 做个名副其实的滥好人呢?
有听说过隔壁的阿婶喊“快爆了 快爆了 粪坑快爆了 不能再等了 老公 快打电话叫人来清一清哪”
没错,就是这个道理。。快爆了 快爆了 我真的不能再忍了 当众被贬低 被嘲笑 被讲得一文不值 还要咧嘴笑一笑 傻傻的跟大家笑在一块 这算是什么 搞气氛吗?为大家枯燥乏味得可怜的日子带来些许余兴吗? 不然人家就会冷回一句“怎么耍起酷来了” 以让自己好下台是吧?
这简直就是没天理 太过分了嘛。。

那我宁愿被孤立好了。。但是,我能吗?这样的情景 这样的画面 持续了十多年了 我承受得起被孤立的感觉吗?。。我似乎不曾被孤立过 却也时常觉得自己没什么存在的价值 可有可无 当然啦 时常被讲得一文不值 自信也不知几时掉到哪儿去了

老天 每天都磨练着我的忍耐力 脸皮的厚度 也慢慢地摧残了我本有的自信 自尊

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A clown

Are you feel happy if peoples talk about you everyday non-stop?
Make fun of you everyday, and they treat it as a kind of entertainment.
Laugh at you or laugh with you? Critic or just make fun of you? You can't even realise it.

Don't you feel so stupid?

What if someday you have changed and doesn't like to be treated as a clown, and wanted to fight back and show your black face whenever they make fun of you again.
BUT, they used to talk with you in this ways, is it too sudden for them to change?
The answer is they will feel not used to it, and choose to not talk with you, or don't even want to response whenever you say anything. Isn't it too obvious?!!
Don't you feel stupid again?

Well, am i a doll?!! no brain? no heart? no feeling?no anger?..
Worsen case is Whenever you try to spell out something, they will said "pls don't say anything",
not been respected at all. Am i an idiot? Am i a clown? and Just worth to be said by others , make fun by others, and don't have authority to say others back?..

Pls don't hurt me!! or else, you will lose a great friend as me. Risk on your own!!
Sound like warning..but..i have no choice, coz i am really angry..

Sunday, June 14, 2009

最近 我发现自己 好像变了 变得我自己也不认得自己
因很多时候 我的脑袋都空空的 内心也是空空的 就像行尸走肉一样
没有感觉 没有期待
什么是回忆 什么是想念 难道我逐步的退化 患了失忆症了吗?
电脑 是祸首还是心态开始变老了还是。。到底是什么?!!
我才二十四岁呢 怎么可以就想四十二岁一样。

现代的人 现代的生活 有比以前的生活跟精彩吗? 还是一样的闷?
以前的人天天早起在稻田里干活 或捕捉鱼 回家 睡觉起身 再干活
现代的人呢 也差不了几多 天天到公司上班 下班 睡觉起身 再上班 简直就是枯燥乏味 闷死了
不同的就只是科技的发达 有高楼大厦 有超级市场 统统先进 不须动用到人类的太多劳力来完整某些东西
这样反而造成人类少运动 又吃下许多不健康的食物 因现代的食物都大多有科学药物成分

结论是 现代人都不怎么长命

Sunday, March 15, 2009


最近 收到一封电邮, 有一段 带点忧郁 有点自怜的句子, 如下:


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Birthday Celebration 4 3x18Feb's gals

My mom plus two closed friends who were borned on 18th of February.
Not a harsh times for me, i quite enjoy the moment preparing all this for them at the same times.
Gift&cakes&small gathering..These are the important stuff we should have for someone birthday..

My mom birthday's gift were bought by me and sis, and let her choose is a Jade brace bought at HOBJ,Queenbay. Hoping she always healthy and happy all the times.;)
While, my brother is responsible to buy cake on her special day, it is lemon cheese cake bought from bread comment for the cakes is..not very good..erm..

Mom, happy birthday!!(smile until can't close her mouth..hehe)
Jade Brace..(the pic look blur..bad camera?or bad photographer?keke..)

Susan have received quite a lot of gift for this year i think, from our side, from her boy friend, from her family, and from her other friends etc..Her birtday dinner was held 2 days earlier at Hao You, as the main days should belong to her boy fren..hehe..Hao you, the sea food restaurant which stay near the beach, is such a pretty place, especially in the evening. Hoping she felt happy and contented with this year birthday and her birthday wish will become real;)..

Susan, Happy Birthday!!(can't wait to make a wish..hehe)Taking pic with both gift giver..guess what is it?! hehe..Tomei's gift giver is..wong shu fen..kekeke..Gift representer,koe koon yew..a big present shared among he, Raymond, Amber&Jin..

Pretty scent at Hao You seafood restaurant.......wooo......

Amber's birthday sound big for me, and is a kind of practise for me in organizing an event, coz need to call out each of her friends in MOT, i am sure have mis out some of i just invited those i knew. Hooi Thing have help to reserve 12 seats and get some pre-order menu, others have help to buy blueberry cheese cake from jenny cake house, taste really nice..mmhh..
On the other hand, her boy friend ah jin did a surprise stuff for her without letting her know..really sweet..Must be contented with your birthday lerr this time!!;)...
Amber, Happy Birthday!(look with fresh and happy face)Main present shared among colleagues..Crystal brace named Amber,totally matches with her names,Amber.

Really thanks for all who participate for the birthday preparation and attending the birthday party.

New Year in 2009 Happy Or Not..

My answer is "so so la, not so special every year"..but, i got special visit with my colleagues to our supervisor's house in this year, and got some best friends visit my house in this year as well.
Eating Pizza with my family on 3rd day after new years, coz my sis going to back KL on the 4rd days..
From left is my father, mother,and brother..
My sister look so fair and skinner than me nowaday..i eat too much liao..hii
We visit Bat's caves after poh ling's house..

Before new year, We have a big gathering with our colleagues organized by ms.Amber at Flame, eating steamboat is such a difficult times for me, just the same as full tank also need to add on fuel..Meanwhile, 6rd day after new years, again eating steamboat with my former Schoolmates, another hard times for me..Don't wrong interpret my 'hard' word, hard times is for the eating times, is actually a nice moment gathering together with our friends right? a lot and laugh non stop, it seldom happen when we are alone rite..(If laugh alone, ppl will think you are crazy,kekek)Latest MINT team, We all wearing red shirt on the last working day before Chinese New Year..Before eating..look excited and urge for foods.
After eating..look so tired, seem like just facing food WAR, my tyres comes out d..hii..

During Food WAR!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

LoST wOrld

Let talk about Lost World..
The world that make us lost?!!..
Saturday morning around 10am, i receive an unexpected call from Amber..
"R u interest to lost world at tambun there?"..
"Erm, who will go?, can i bring along my sis?"
"Erm, can also.."
That's it!! We start our journey to Lost World..
We were joking along the journey, and of course, i will start to sing as well..
"la la la la.."
"don't torture our ears, pls.."
"No, i insist to la la la.."

Is a nice weather along the journey, feeling warm and romantic when look through the window, such a nice scent..
However, once we reach there, ligthing!Storm!..Rain pour down heavily...just kidding..hehe
In fact, it was a rainy day, but not so heavy as what i have mentioned just now..We still can play those games.

Of course, it not a problem for us to play around with the tiny rain..
Well, We play the storm-rider, cliff racer, tube raider which is bit more challenging than otherss..
We visit the tiger valley, Jungle wave bay, adventure river as well as tambun hot spring..
An small accident happened when we have went through the adventure river..
When 3 gals sitting on top of the tube with shape "8", and floating along the river, 2 guys(jin and zhi lian) suddenly took off the tube..I am aware of their cheaky's act, and have ready to balance up my body once my whole body reach the water..
My first conscient once i could balance up my body and stand properly, is look after my sis and amber, felt better when i saw my sis could stand up safely...another one, Amber, oh my god, her face is dip inside the water and can't stand straight, and it seem not right..
Her head has hit the floor and her face was kicked by my sis..hehehe..poor gals..
She felt fainted after that, but getting better after rest for a while.
We intend to cancel our next destination to ipoh parade mall after the incident, however, this hyperactive gal insist to continue shop at ipoh parade mall...hiii..
We reach our home at 1 something mid night, i slept away once reach my bed..
close my eyes, mumbling with "mm..such an unexpected trip'..

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Siau Hun Birthday ;)..

Last few week till recent week, what i have done?
Mm...nearly forgot..Siau Hun's birthday preparation, Christmas eve, Lost world trip at tambun..

Few day before Siau Hun's birthday, I was in KL and have bought a photo frame as her birthday gift, it look normal, but i still bought it just because it is full surronding with pretty small seashell.. I recall last time Siau Hun look excited when she found pretty seashell at the beach, this is the reason i bought the frame.

One day before Siau Hun's birthday, I accompanied Amber went to shopping mall and bought the gift which is shared among our colleagues. We were arguing sometimes before buying gift to Siau Hun, "No, Siau Hun won't like this kind of gift", "But, she need it", "Her parents sure have bought for her already".

On her birthday, i can't wait to show the gift to her once i reach office in the morning, Because i have big confident that she sure will like this special frame. Till now, i still not very sure whether she really like it or just simply said like it. Truthfully, do you like it?

After having our breakfast at cafeteria and back to workplace, suprisingly, a piece of tasty yam cake are placed beside Siau Hun's lap top. This is a cake given by our boss, poh ling, specifically to her. She share her tasty yam cake with us. I taste twice secretly..hehehe..
Lunch time, We celebrate her birthday with a chocolate cheese cake, and treat her thailand food as well. Got me, Amber, Hooi thing, Pei Shie, Koon Yew and our boss, Poh Ling.

she have open the gift one by one. Oh Ya, forgot to tell, Two gift were bought, one is Thermo bottle and another is Cowy money saving bottle. Useful and pretty, perfectly match with Siau Hun's requirement.

At the night of Chrishmas eve, I went out with Seok Pheng, Siau Hun, Bee Yee, Chia Yee and my sis, at gurney plaza there. Meanwhile, both of my best fren hang around with their own new boy friends at gurney plaza there, and we accidentally met with Amber's couple, she look so pretty that day. No doubt, it was a beautiful night, gurney there are crowded with people, especially couples. Those singles,us..seem happy at the night, but sure will feel the emptiness in another way when we saw lovely couples walked away pair by pair.

How about lost world trip??..feel don't want to write at the moment..because i want to post up the related photos as well. Will post it after receiving those photos.;)

Monday, December 8, 2008


Seok Pheng and I, both penang gals decide to visit our Uni best fren at Alor Star this weekend. Both Alor Star gals, Siau Hun and Connie busy serving both of us..intend to make them exhausted..kekeke;)..kidding.

Well, in the first place, we plan to visit 2 main location, which is Gunung Keriang and Museum Padi. But at the end, we have visit 2 more museum, One is the place that Tunku Abdul Rahman stay before/Bapa Merdeka, another location is the kampung where Mahathir was borned and stay in his younger age. Imagine hard...what they are doing at their own house for the past decade.. such a memoriable place. Unfortunately, we have been forbidden to take picture inside both museum which contain of all the memoriable stuff.
We are able to take picture at Museum Padi only. Have a look!!
Kedah, a simple place, for those who like to have a calm and relaxing life...sound more suit to the old people.. a great hometown but a place.(fill in the blank pls..;)
However, this is the place where the great peoples Abdul Rahman, Mahathir, Lee xin Jie and so on.. such a amazing place right.

We have a long chit-chat session..For the whole conversation, laughing is the bigger portion..
there will be a short debate as well, can i called it as 'debate" or "suggestion"? not sure..whatever it is. I felt would like to be neutral, if there is a debate..
No comment at all, holding with Two main theory is enough "No one will have the right to judge other ppl or stuff by seeing its cover only."& " No one able to get along well with everyone"..
Well, just share what i hope to share...cheer ;)..